MALTOFER Iron Syrup 50mg/5ml 150ml

$24.99 Sale

Maltofer is a new oral iron therapy for the treatment of dietary iron deficiency in adults and adolescents. Many people don't get enough iron from their diet, which can lead to low iron levels.

Maltofer is an oral iron therapy which is clinically proven to correct iron levels, with fewer and milder side effects compared to ferrous iron supplements. That means less constipation, less nausea and an effective dose of iron. It's the kind of iron deficiency treatment many have been waiting for.

Suitable for use in pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body's need for iron increases by as much as 10 fold. This kind of increase in iron cannot always be met by diet alone, necessitating the need for iron supplements.

Globally, Maltofer has been recommended to correct iron levels in pregnant women for over 50 years. Clinical studies have shown Maltofer corrects iron deficiency in pregnant women with significantly less side effects, making it easier to restore iron levels.





Active Ingredients: each 5ml dose of oral solution contains 50mg iron as 185 mg iron polymaltose

Take 10 mL daily preferably with food, or higher doses as directed by your medical practitioner. Not for use in children under the age of 12 years.
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